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Kasahari lehyam


Kasahari is a powerful herbal remedy designed to combat chronic cough and respiratory infections. It effectively removes phlegm, alleviates chest congestion, and provides relief from common cold, flu, and running nose. Additionally, Kasahari helps ease allergic sneezing, throat infections, and itching, making it an ideal solution for overall respiratory health.

  • 200gm
  • 300gm
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Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 18:00PM

+91 8590 2913 90

Kasahari is a powerful herbal remedy designed to combat chronic cough and respiratory infections. It effectively removes phlegm, alleviates chest congestion, and provides relief from common cold, flu, and running nose. Additionally, Kasahari helps ease allergic sneezing, throat infections, and itching, making it an ideal solution for overall respiratory health.

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200gm, 300gm


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