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Caring for your hair is not easy, especially if you have dandruff problems. Dandruff is a common condition and almost anyone can have it. But getting rid of it is not that easy. Vijaya Dathuradi Thaila is a 100% organic anti-dandruff hair oil made from potent datura seed and datura leaf extract. The elements of datura seed, datura leaf, and coconut oil work in tandem to control dandruff and fortify hair roots. The results? Dandruff-free, shiny, and healthy hair. This traditional anti-dandruff hair oil helps to regrow hair by fortifying hair roots while leaving a natural shine.

● Effectively cleanses the scalp and hair.
● Very effective for itchy and flaky scalp
● Natural formula for controlling dandruff.
● Helps to regrow hair by fortifying hair roots while leaving a natural shine.

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