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Argan oil & Aloe vera gel Combo


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Manjista Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamin E is the ultimate skincare for healthy and radiant skin. It helps to protect your skin and to keep it soft and supple all day long. The organic Aloe Vera Gel is rich in antioxidants and enzymes which helps to repair and strengthen skin. It contains vitamin E other Vitamins A&C which highly anti-inflammatory and can helps treat burns, acne and dry skin.

Argan oil is extracted from the seed of argan tree which is native to Morocco. Argan oil is
most commonly used as an additive to skin and hair products but it has many other uses.
Argan oil has a sweet, nutty taste and is one among the rare oil used in culinary purposes.
The Vaidyakart argan oil is a premium grade cold pressed oil from Morocco.Benefits
 Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
 Reduces Signs of Skin Aging
 relief from common skin conditions
 Moisturizes Skin and Hair


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