Beauty & Wellness Products
Almond oil – 100ml
₹450- Rich in essential fatty acids
- Rich in antioxidants
- Rich in vitamin E
- Rich in Vitamin K
- Rich in Vitamin C and other heathy fats
₹450- ₹345
Argan Oil
₹460• Used for hair growth and dandruff treatment.
• Can be used as anti-aging moisturizer
• Can be used as lip moisturizer
• Can be used for acne treatment
• Can be used for Oral Therapeutic Uses₹460- ₹295
Baby Massage Oil
₹490• Can be used as a massage oil
• Helps to remove eye makeup
• Soothes cracked heels
• Can be used as a cuticle oil₹490- ₹65
Barley Powder – 100gm
₹90# Barley helps in reducing inflammation.
# very good for improving kidney function.
# Helps in reducing excess acidity in body.₹90Black Forest Honey-200gm
₹265This honey is anexcellent immune booster.
honey has a lot of fat-burning and weight-controlling properties.₹265Black Seed Oil
₹195 – ₹360Beneficial for skin
Beneficial for hair
Powerful anti-inflammatory properties
Strong antioxidants
Strong antibacterial effect
Reduces skin allergy₹195 – ₹360Castor Oil Plain Hot Proccesed
₹120 – ₹175Internally As A Laxative And Over Hair And Eyebrows Externally
₹120 – ₹175Castor Oil-100ml
₹220• Promotes hair growth
• Helps with anti-ageing
• Can be applied on face
• Can be used to promote beard growth
• It acts as a natural moisturizer₹220Chamomile-15ml
₹775- Helps to prevent Insomnia
- Reduces anxiety level
- Strong antidiarrheal and antioxidant properties
- Helps to heal wounds
₹775Clove Bud-15ml
₹385Clove Bud Essential Oil is extracted from the Clove flower buds of the Clove Tree through a
method called steam distillation. There is an abundance of cloves throughout the year due
to the different harvest seasons in different countries. Clove bud essential oil of the highest
quality can be bought from online ayurvedic stores. It possesses a strong, warm, spicy
aroma that blends well with other spicy essential oils and also with essential oils in the
citrus, wood and floral families. The clove bus essential oil from Vaidyakart is Madagascar
Premium grade essential oil.₹385Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
₹175 – ₹410Maintain Healthy-Looking Skin And Hair From The Ends To The Roots
₹175 – ₹410Cumin Seeds
FREEPromoteS digestion and reduce food-borne infections. It is highly dense in iron that is important to support growth in youngsters and to replace blood. It helps
digestion and may help with irritable bowel syndrome, weight loss, and blood sugar
and cholesterol control. It contains a number of plant compounds that may havehealth benefits, such as preventing cell damage.FREE- ₹495
Eucalyptus Oil-15ml
₹360Eucalyptus oil is derived from the leaves of the tree. The essential oil of eucalyptus is used
as a medicine to treat a variety of common illnesses and conditions such as nasal
congestion, asthma, and as a tick repellent. You can also apply diluted eucalyptus oil to the
skin for health problems like arthritis and skin ulcers. Eucalyptus oil is also used to relieve
cold symptoms and provide respiratory health benefits.₹360Fennel seeds-100gm
₹45Aids heart health, inflammation, hunger management and
potentially have anticancer properties. Fennel seeds are highly nutritious and rich in powerful antioxidants.
Including True Native Fennel Seeds in your regular diet is a smart way to boost your
health.₹45Flaxseed Oil-100ml
₹275Flax seeds are known for their many health benefits. Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or
linseed oil, is made from flax seeds that have been ground and pressed to extract their
natural oil. There are many ways to use this health-promoting oil, from cooking to skin care.
The Vaidyakart flaxseed oil is a premium food grade cold pressed oil manufactured in India.₹275Frankincense-15ml
₹360- Reduces arthritis
- Improves gut function
- Improves asthma
- Maintains oral health
- Anticancer properties